Sunday, August 31, 2008

Stop Global Warming. Individual Actions That Everyone Can do

As the government and manufacturers throughout the world continue (and in some cases resist) to do their part when it comes to creating more eco-smart and friendly products the next step is for the consumers to begin making smarting choices during their shopping.

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Stop Global Warming. Individual Actions That Everyone Can do

As the government and manufacturers throughout the world continue (and in some cases resist) to do their part when it comes to creating more eco-smart and friendly products the next step is for the consumers to begin making smarting choices during their shopping.

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How the E.U Plans to Combat Global Warming

Climate change and global warming - indeed, how to control them - are becoming more central to politics with every new development. Sustainable energy is the method of our times, and government's across the globe are under pressure -from each other, from environmental groups, and from individuals - to implement genuine and successful 'green' policy

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Wineries Accept Challenge on Renewable Energy with Facebook

Iron Horse Vineyards, Girard Winery, Windsor Vineyards, and Windsor Sonoma Vineyards in Sonoma County and Napa Valley have launched an innovative green energy campaign on Facebook to generate awareness about renewable energy and provide a way for Facebook's 90 million users to actively participate in motivating wineries to go green.

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