Once you have decided that you want an internet business, you must first think of what your actual business is going to be. In order to get started, you will first have to choose a domain name. Ideally, the domain name should reflect what your new internet business is all about.
For instance, if you are going to sell widgets you want your domain name to be something like widgets.com or buy-your-widgets-here.net. Get the picture? If you are selling widgets, you don't want a domain name that suggests you sell something else.
There are multiple sites on the internet that will sell you a domain name. You can go to register.com or godadddy.com to search for your perfect domain name. These sites will inform you on whether or not the domain name is available and if so, what the cost is to purchase the name. If you don't have your own server, you will want to choose a site that offers hosting as well.
A lot of these sites additionally offer website building. They have templates available for you to choose from to make your site your own. There are also programs available to purchase that you can build your site from as well. They run from cheap to expensive, each one offering different schemes for you to choose from.
In building your site, you will want to choose different letter styles, some bold some not. You may want to add pictures to add interest to your site. You can decide for yourself everything you want to exhibit. It is your site.
Colors are a big decision as well. You want your website to be appealing to the human eye. You can choose flash intros or you can have just a one page site. You can have multiple pages depending on what you are promoting on your site.
You can share links with other companies called affiliates and earn extra money by doing this. One affiliate site I know of is linkshare.com. When you sign up for this, it links you with different companies that pay you when you advertise them on your site.
Additionally, you can advertise your own site on sites like adwords promoted by Google. Yahoo and MSN offer similar programs. Godaddy has just started a new program. If you purchase your domain from them, they will park the domain on a "cash parking" website that displays pay per click (PPC) ads. This way you can make money while working on building your website.
Choose your domain carefully. Make a statement. Make it interesting and above all, have fun while joining the internet circle.
Michele Graham-CEO and owner of Professional Healthcare Management has 41 years in the healthcare industry. She writes about business issues in all businesses and the healthcare field as well.