Monday, October 1, 2007

Green bloggers.

Green bloggers.

Green Technology Forum Releases "Nanotechnology for Green Building" Report

Indianapolis, IN (PRWEB) September 18, 2007 -- "The convergence of nanotechnology and environmentally sensitive 'green building' is here, it's happening now," said Dr. George Elvin, director of Green Technology Forum and author of its latest report, "Nanotechnology for Green Building."

"In one case," Elvin noted, "a company is saving $2.6 million in energy costs and reducing their CO2 emissions by 35 million pounds per year thanks to a single nanotech innovation."

"However," he cautioned, "the nanotech and building sectors have to get to know each other a lot better in order to realize the dramatic benefits awaiting each of them."

The report facilitates the "getting to know you" mission and highlights successful examples with over 250 hyperlinked references to case studies, university research projects, patents, and technologies available for license.

"This is a state-of-the-art survey and a forecast," Elvin said. "Its benefit to the nanotech community is that it explores and explains the enormous economic opportunities in green building design, construction and operation." While alerting that community to new opportunities, the report also demonstrates to architects, building owners, contractors, engineers and others in the $1 trillion per year global building industry that nanotech is at this moment beginning to fulfill it's promise of healthful benefits for people and the environment.

"The demand for green building is at an all-time high," Dr. Elvin noted, "and those in the industry and in ownership positions adopting nanotechnology now are likely to emerge as leaders and be rewarded accordingly."

Those who do not lead may well be led by the demand for more stringent conservation measures, Elvin advised. Cities like Chicago and Seattle have already adopted stringent green building requirements for new construction, and developers must find new ways to meet them. "Nanomaterials offer a whole new frontier for green builders, and this report shows them how," Elvin said.

In addition to results of extensive research, the report presents exclusive insights into trends, drivers and barriers in the field via interviews with leaders in the nanotech arena. Elvin, whose books include cutting-edge studies published by Wiley and Princeton Architectural Press, predicted that nanotech's many environmental performance benefits "will be led by current improvements in solar insulation and coatings, followed by advances in water and air filtration, solar technology and, more distant, in lighting and structural components."

As an example he pointed to available improvements in nanocoatings for insulating, self-cleaning, UV protection, corrosion resistance and waterproofing. Some available coatings are considered "healers," in that they remove and render benign pollutants from a building's surrounding atmosphere.

While considering the obstacles to widespread adoption of nanotech in the building industry, the report presents news of the many nano-enhanced products currently on the market that have been demonstrated to outperform conventional products. "Product costs continue to fall," Elvin observed, "making nanotech's promise of reduced waste and toxicity, lower energy and raw material consumption, greater safety and security, cleaner and healthier buildings and other human health and environmental benefits far more accessible."

The resource-packed report identifies over 130 startups and established companies offering or developing nanomaterials for green building, more than 50 projects underway at universities and research centers, and 40-plus patents available for licensing. More than 250 citations and links to these resources are provided.

Ordering information for the 116-page "Nanotechnology for Green Building" report is available now at

Dr. George Elvin, director of Green Technology Forum and author of this study, is a frequent speaker, author and advisor on emerging technologies. Published by Wiley and Princeton Architectural Press, Dr. Elvin is an Associate Professor at Ball State University, and a former Visiting Research Fellow at Edinburgh University's Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Fellow at the Center for Energy Research, Education and Service.

Green Technology Forum is a research and advising firm focused on nanotechnology and biotechnology for growing green businesses. From green building to solar energy and water filtration, we provide the experience and expertise that help businesspeople decide where they want green technology to take them. We help develop market studies, strategies, products and services that benefit our clients, their customers, and the environment.


Dr. George Elvin

Green Technology Forum

9801 Fall Creek Rd. #402

Indianapolis, IN, 46256



Choose a domain name.

Choose a domain name.

Choosing a Domain Name for Your Internet Business

Once you have decided that you want an internet business, you must first think of what your actual business is going to be. In order to get started, you will first have to choose a domain name. Ideally, the domain name should reflect what your new internet business is all about.

For instance, if you are going to sell widgets you want your domain name to be something like or Get the picture? If you are selling widgets, you don't want a domain name that suggests you sell something else.

There are multiple sites on the internet that will sell you a domain name. You can go to or to search for your perfect domain name. These sites will inform you on whether or not the domain name is available and if so, what the cost is to purchase the name. If you don't have your own server, you will want to choose a site that offers hosting as well.

A lot of these sites additionally offer website building. They have templates available for you to choose from to make your site your own. There are also programs available to purchase that you can build your site from as well. They run from cheap to expensive, each one offering different schemes for you to choose from.

In building your site, you will want to choose different letter styles, some bold some not. You may want to add pictures to add interest to your site. You can decide for yourself everything you want to exhibit. It is your site.

Colors are a big decision as well. You want your website to be appealing to the human eye. You can choose flash intros or you can have just a one page site. You can have multiple pages depending on what you are promoting on your site.

You can share links with other companies called affiliates and earn extra money by doing this. One affiliate site I know of is When you sign up for this, it links you with different companies that pay you when you advertise them on your site.

Additionally, you can advertise your own site on sites like adwords promoted by Google. Yahoo and MSN offer similar programs. Godaddy has just started a new program. If you purchase your domain from them, they will park the domain on a "cash parking" website that displays pay per click (PPC) ads. This way you can make money while working on building your website.

Choose your domain carefully. Make a statement. Make it interesting and above all, have fun while joining the internet circle.

Michele Graham-CEO and owner of Professional Healthcare Management has 41 years in the healthcare industry. She writes about business issues in all businesses and the healthcare field as well.

Article Source:

Sell domain names.

Sell domain names.

By Falguni Patel

Each and everyday you hear stories about some name getting thousands of dollars from the buyer. You also jump right into the game of domaining and hope for that lucky day to arrive when someone might get interested in your domain name. Right?

The main problem with newbies over here is that they do very less research and start spending their money on useless names. After 6 months or a year their moral goes down the drain and they are back where they were but with lighter pockets then before.

Some people get into the trademark mess. They get sued by trademark holding company and then they show their temper openly on forums and other message boards.

Some can't even monetize their domains to get the renewal fees for the upcoming period.

If you have 4 or 5 domains then you can surely shed the amount from your own pocket. But when the figure goes around 100's and 1000's it is very hard to renew the domains for the future.

My advice to newbies would be to stick at 25 to 50 domains. They can earn for 10 or 20 renewals per year if your names are below average. Some domain might get you more revenue and it can fill the gap for you. Ultimately the main thing is to not lose a domain for nothing. You should at least get its registration fees from it. This will not start downfall of your domain empire which you want to build. 1 dollar loss is also a big loss if you have more then 100 or 500 domains in your domain portfolio.

So what kind of domains you should buy?

Choose wisely on which name you are putting your money. Three characters .com's are creating a lot of chaos right now in the market. Their prices goes sky high in domain name aftermarkets. Generic dictionary words are also long gone. New TLD's are not so stable right now, dot-com still rules the internet. You might get lucky in some other TLD's but I wouldn't advice you if you are new in the game.

4 letters have 456976 combinations from AAAA to ZZZZ. Of them only around 5000 are left. Which is of course the garbage.

What do we do now if we still want to get out feets wet in this?

Look for some guy who is willing to sell his domain for less. There are plenty of places to find this kind of domains available for sale at lower prices. You can go to forums specially created for this kind of discussions. If you don't know any then here is the one Go there look for some domains which might fall under our category and then approach the seller. Here also lookout for trademark issues and blacklisting for that particular domain. You can generally get this info from doing a whois search for that domain here

Keep your eyes and ears open for latest news. It might shed some light and you might be the lucky one who grabs that name for just registration fees and sell it for 1000's. Work on them and get every cent out of them. This will keep you in the game. The main thing over here is not to win the game but to be in it and be till the last.

About the Author: Author, MCP, MCSD, WebDesigner Currently Owner of


Buy domain name. Sell domain names.

Buy domain name. Sell domain names.

By Stephen Pope

Do you need a domain name for your business? Here are just a few ways of purchasing one.

1. Think Up and Register Your Own Original Domain Name

Think up your own original name and register it at a domain name registrar. Although this seems obvious, many people feel that all the good domain names are already taken.

It is true that it won't be easy to come up with a suitable name that has not already been registered. However, with some careful thought, you may come up with your own original domain name.

For example, I once was going to buy a certain domain name but someone else beat me to it. Upon reflection, I came up with a comparable (if not better) domain name myself and simply registered it.

2. Buy Already Expired Domain Names

Sometimes you can find the domain name you want from a list of already expired domain names. (I did!)

Visit (or a similar site) to "Search through deleted domains" by keyword.

This way you pay no commission (just the nominal domain name registration fee) as you are simply registering a "new" domain name.

3. Buy Domain Names on eBay

Another source of domain names is eBay. Look under both of these categories:


Article Source:

J. Stephen Pope, President of Pope Consulting Inc., has been helping clients to earn maximum business profits for over twenty-five years. For profitable Work at Home Small Business Ideas, visit To profit from domain names, visit

Web domain names.

Developing our own ecommerce web site isn’t easy. And finding the best web site host can be frustrating. So we need to go through a process of deciding what our real problems are and what we really need. In this article, we will step through the top five “real” problems and look for a nuts and bolts solution that will meet us where we are today and take us where we need to be tomorrow.


“Everybody is doing it.” Boy you have heard that little phrase thrown at you often enough, especially when it comes to designing and hosting your web site.

It can get confusing, that’s for sure. All we want is to get our web site up and have it work really well. But how to get from no web site or from a simple one to a sophisticated site? This is one of what seems like a million questions that come up as we make these important decisions.
Questions, Questions, Questions

The decision on finding the best web site host is not a trivial thing. So the questions that pop into your head can be both confusing and intimidating including…

§ How can I build a web site if I don’t know any programming languages?

§ Who can I trust to help me get my ecommerce domain name registration done right?

§ What about Linux based web hosting? What are the advantages and who can advise me on this decision?

§ How do I decide who is the best web site host for me?

Our goal in this article to start to put some organization to the array of information that we all have to wrestle with when we are trying to pick just the right partner to put up the best web site host possible for our web pages.
Divide and Conquer

So often, when we are faced with a big problem, we have trouble getting our arms around how to even understand the problem, much less the solution. We know how hard it is to grapple with these questions.

They say that if you start to break a problem down into smaller and smaller pieces. So let’s ask two really simple but important questions of each part of the problem.

§ What is the REAL problem here?

§ What will the solution look like?

STEP 1 – A Domain to Call Our Own.

This whole process of getting a domain name can become a maze to those of us who don’t live and breathe computer lingo. Even if we were settled on our name, the path we need to tread to get the name reserved and getting it attached to our web site are hard to get your arms around sometimes.

The real problem is knowing what to do first, second and third. The whole issue of web hosting addresses and domain name registration seems murky and not easy to sort out.

The ideal solution would be to find the best web site host that would include services to either help us understand the whole domain registration process or just handle it for us at a reasonable rate.
STEP 2 – Talented and Cheap!

There really is no question that we are going to use a company to serve as our web hosting web site. So one of the primary goals of our quest is to find best web site host that will serve our needs well as we go online. To state it plainly, we want a web hosting service that is talented and cheap.

How can we cut through the hundreds of web hosting companies to find the one that is perfect for our needs? In short, we need a small business web host site that will be a repository of web design and hosting talent and they will offer there services for a reasonable price.
STEP 3 – There’s No Place Like Home

Your small business host web site will reside on a server somewhere. That is the place you upload your web pages to and that handles all of the traffic and much of the “business” that is generated by your web site. So right now, you consider what the best web site host that your ecommerce business web site will call home.

The real problem also is finding the best web site host that knows what our problems are and how to deal with people who are not web programmers but want a high quality ecommerce web hosting provider that can meal all of our needs.

The real solution will look like a company that is built from the ground up around servicing people like you and me that need someone to cut through the mumbo jumbo and help us get our web site up and working well quickly and economically.
STEP 4 – Do I look Like a Computer Guru?

The computer industry is not an easy one for the regular businessperson to understand.

The real problem is NOT that you don’t know how to program a web page or that your web programming skills are not up to the most recent bells and whistles the professional developers use.

The problem is that you SHOULDN’T HAVE TO know how to be a computer programmer just to have affordable ecommerce web site.

The ideal solution would look like a company that can not only provide anything from hosting a Linux streaming server to a FrontPage based host web site to a host MP3 site if we need it at a reasonable cost and without making us provide the training, the talent and the technical savvy to get the job done right.
STEP 5 – Where Do We Go From Here?

Even if you know exactly where you are in the development process, how do you go about mapping out what step one through one hundred is to take your site from where it is to a state of the art ecommerce web site?

The real problem can be summed up in one word – experience. We don’t have it and we need someone with a wealth of it.

The real solution will be a company that wins your trust because they build their services around your needs, your budget and your timeline.
Are We Dreaming?

Are we dreaming that such a company exists? The search for a company starts with recommendations from friends and others who like us want an affordable ecommerce web hosting company. The list we get from our research will almost certainly include epinions as a research tool.

But better than that, you will be able to find additional services as the sophistication of our site grows and so do our needs. Their services are leveled so we can step up at our pace so we are always at a level that we need and always have an answer to that question “where do we go from here?”


Sandro is the creator of the website. Since 1998 he has been helping ordinary people achieve "extra-ordinary" results in business and in life. He lives in Vancouver, BC - Canada, and he teaches Internet Marketing strategies. Learn to supplement your income, get free weekly tips and how-to advice by visiting the following link: - Where to Find the Best Web Site Host

Your dating services. Mature Fun from Adult Dating Services

Your dating services. Mature Fun from Adult Dating Services.
Modern technology gave new dimension to the ever elusive adult dating scene. Now, adult dating services abound for those who dislike the nitty-gritty and dating "procedures and stages". These dating services also make less confident people more assertive through the initial "faceless" communication.

They offer fun activities for those looking for friends, activity partners, and lovers.

Here are a few of the best sites in the field of adult dating.

American Singles It claims to jumpstart one's love life. It is one of those adult dating services that allow the posting of a profile and uploading a picture. Matchmaking is made through setting up its members with those who match their profiles.

eHarmony It is another adult dating service that caters to those who are searching for friends and life partners. It takes pride on its innovative profile matching system. It boasts of its 29 key dimensions that predict in-depth compatibility and more successful relationships. It is also an adult dating service that claims its being one of the world's leading online dating sites. It is for those who live in UK and USA. It is also a free. Its features include dating profiles with picture galleries, video dating profiles, an online dating chat program, friends list, adult dating ratings, e-mail alerts, etc.

Tickle It is an adult dating service that uses personality and IQ tests to facilitate the matchmaking process. Members of Tickle are often with college education, professional and those who reside in large cities.

Are you ready for adult fun or simply looking for less teeny-bopper kind of dating style? Then, choose from the wide array of adult dating services.

Who knows. . .one could even deliver your Mr. and Ms. Right to your door step.

TextTeens. New Kind of Send-off Gift for College-Bound Teens Delivers Powerfully Supportive Message

New Kind of Send-off Gift for College-Bound Teens Delivers Powerfully Supportive Message.

Chadds Ford, PA (PRWEB) August 10, 2007 -- 'As You Go,' published today by OceanBridge Communications, Inc., is a new kind of going-away present a parent will want to give to a young person about to leave home for college--a combination book/song/scrapbook. An online presentation of the book can be experienced at (

The book includes:

* the original song on CD, 'As You Go (Our Love Will Be With You)'

* the song lyrics, accompanied by stunning photography from around the world

* 8 pages of quotations from inspirational sources ranging from Patanjali and Gandhi to Tom Brokaw and Yogi Berra

* 16 'Rules for Survival' from wildly successful entrepreneur Bob Parsons

* one of the finest commencement addresses ever delivered, by young teacher Joseph Consiglio, published here for the first time

Unique to As You Go is the way in which it integrates a scrapbook with the song. A total of 18 pages of beautiful backgrounds have been inserted within the song lyric pages at carefully selected points where personal photographs would be especially poignant. For example:

You, once small? (1 extra page)

Now stand tall? (2 extra pages)

It has been so incredible watching it all? (4 extra pages)

© 2006-7 Lee Liebner

This scrapbook feature makes the experience of the song's supportive message intensely personal for the child leaving home. The book's very first testimonial ( confirms this. A mother in Pennsylvania writes:

"As You Go was the perfect send-off gift? As Victoria was flipping through the pages, I put the CD on and between the two of us, the tears seemed endless. Victoria's first comment was 'I'm taking this with me'?It truly helped me send her off to school with a positive message about who she is and how much we believe in her."

For the child leaving home and the parents letting go, the true gift of 'As You Go' is this: what could have felt like the sad breaking of a bond instead becomes the healthy strengthening of it.

The first in a series of book/song/scrapbooks from Ocean Bridge Communications about life's major transitions, 'As You Go' was written by father and musician Lee Liebner. The book is available through the As You Go Web site ( The price of this 76-page full-color 10-inch-by-8-inch hardbound book is US $24.95 plus shipping and handling (plus tax in Pennsylvania). Press review copies are available upon request.