Sunday, November 11, 2007

Domain name choice.

Domain Name Choice - Getting Started With Domain Names

Booking a domain name and getting a website going is quite cheap and easy today. However, what people often neglect to consider is that the domain name is not just a web address but actually a part of the brand identity of a business. You cannot simply pick up any name that sounds good and go with it. You need to think in terms of brand image and how to help that image grow before settling on domain name.

A brand is more than just a name. A brand identifies your business and lets the world know who you are, what you do, what you represent, what you stand for, and so on. It is essentially a small communication that speaks a lot so it is important to pick the right domain name. The key thing is for a brand to be memorable. The easier it is to remember and associate with certain things the better it will work. This is why brand names do not use articles like "The" or "A" and avoid hyphenation. They are single words that are easy to remember.

The .com extension is desired universally but you should seriously consider other examples. For example, if your business is such that never at any time will you have a customer outside the United States then why not consider a .us domain instead of .com?

Think of the customers who will need to remember the domain name more than what you like and you will make a better choice.

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