By Justin Koh
In the world of 21st century, it is no longer surprising to findthat most business had already establishes a web presence tosupport their brick-and-mortar businesses. There are manyadvantages of establishing a web presence on the Internet suchas selling globally to prospective customers and disseminatinginformation to the public.
Most business owner would have already understood the importanceof a web presence to their business. What most of them hadfailed to understand is that the domain name in their websitecan contribute significantly to their online marketing strategy.
First, we look at a few rules of a good domain name. Most wouldagree that a good domain name should:
1) be able to describe your business when people first look it.2) include hyphen in between the words to make it easier toread. 3) have an appropriate .com, .net, .biz, .info, .org toreflect the nature of the business.
What I differ in opinion is that a long domain name"" can be as effective as a shortdomain name "" depending on the context where thedomain name is used. Many people would definitely disagree withme on this point as they believe that a short domain name iseasier to remember. However, a long domain name can be just aseffective depending on the context where it is use.
Having a catchy long domain name such as or would definitely helps todraw attention to your business promotion rather than promotingyour website name which ismundane.
When people reach or, you can communicate a shortsales message before driving them to the appropriate web page.
Thus, depending on the context where the domain name is used, adomain name can actually help to make or break your overallmarketing performance.
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