Friday, August 31, 2007

Hoopty Scoop

Anyone out there ever heard the phrase " Hoopty Scoop"?
My wife and her sister have an old family story concerning the term "Hoopty Scoop". We are 60 years old so the story goes way back to when she and her twin sister were visited one night ( at the age of about 5 or 6 ) by a knock at the door and a very scary voice saying "I am Hoopty scoop, and if you girls don't be good, I'm gonna get you!". It seems their mom and pop were always telling them about hoopty scoop living in the floor furnace and watching them. It seemed to be an innocent way(for the parents anyway) of controlling the girls behavior.They put a neighbor up to the event mentioned. He seems to have been very effective. We all still get a verry hearty laugh when my wife retells the story of Hoopty Scoop. But she nor her sister can remember the origins or anything about where the phrase came from. Ihave even "Googled" it and got nothing as far as a origin. Although it seems a few individuals around the country seem to use Hoopty Scoop as a user ID.
If anyone out there has any information about the origin or meaning, or has ever been visited by Hoopty scoop, please let us know. Email us your Hoopty Scoop story at Thanks, Howard and Pat Bowling.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Buying and selling domain names.

Buying and selling domain names.

Buying and selling domain names.

So, you missed out on the Great Gold rush, and you missed the Great Land rush and what about the great Oil rush? Did you invest money in MicroSoft in the early 80’s? Google in the 90’s? Do you feel like all the great “Wealth” opportunities have passed you by? If you have been reading the news lately, especially the Tech and financial sections, you have obviously seen many articles about the great “Domain name rush” Wait a minute you say? Am I back in the late 90’s? Have we seen this already?

Well. “thereeeee back” How can there be a “rush” for domain names? All the good domain names were taken (registered) back in the late 90’s right? How can there be a huge demand for domain names if there all gone? Well, guess what. Those are the names the rush is on for. Those and any decent two or even three word domain names that have been registered since then. Any name that is easily remembered and easily spelled, even phrases, are hot properties.

Why, you ask? Several reasons. More and more people are typing a generic name or phrase into their browser instead of doing a Google or Yahoo search. If your interested in getting information on Loans, the probability of getting good information at Loans dot com is much higher than doing a search for “loans”. We assume that a Loans dot com site is going give us very specific information as opposed to a page full of links to God knows what that you would get in a search. So when your quest for information can be boiled down to a simple word or phrase, your odds of getting good information is much better by typing in that word or phrase. This is referred to as “Direct navigation” and you will see it referred to a lot in articles about the Hot Domain name business. And that direct navigation is what makes some names so valuable. If you have a name that gets thousands or tens of thousands of searches a month, how much do you think that traffic is worth? It’s like having a business on a very busy avenue in Manhattan rather than a back country road in Alabama. Its all about traffic. Internet traffic is Dollars. No matter what your selling, the more traffic, the more sales.

Another reason domains are valuable properties is PPC advertising. If you own a domain name that gets good natural (Type in) traffic you can “park” the name with a company that will build you a website, make deals with advertisers to put ads on this website, then when your traffic clicks on these links you get paid something for the click. It may only be a few pennies per click, but if your getting tens of thousands of clicks a day, well you get the picture. These type park pages work best when the domain name and the advertiser links are very relevant to each other. For example, for a domain name like AntiTobacco dot com. You would expect and want to see information content or “Links” to that specific type information, like stop smoking. You do not have to do any work at all with this type monitization. You own the name and point the name servers to the company that runs the website. They do all the work, then send you a check each month.

Still another reason is Adsense. If you have a name that gets a lot of natural traffic, you can build a simple website, add some decent content, relevant to the domain name again, add adsense ads and get a check from Google every month. You have to open an account with Google for the adsense ads, but that is very simple and cost free.

So, as you can see Domain names are valuable for many reasons. There are several ways you can make money with domain names. Not the least of which is selling them. But you have to have some decent names in order to sell at good profits. You have to seek out the people who have the good names now and negotiate a purchase. How do you find these people you ask? Easy. Go to Whois dot net. Any name you night be interested in will have a Whois listing giving the current owners contact information. There will be an email address that you can use to make contact. Ask if the name is for sale. If the owner is interested in selling, negotiations begin right there. Keep in mind, even if a domain name is currently being used in any of the ways we mentioned earlier, the owner may still be willing to sell. Especially if the price is right.

If you want to get started in the buying and selling domain names business, you got to start buying some good names. Again, all the good names were registered long ago so you will be looking at the aftermarket for good names now. You can still find good names as low as $500. Normally you will be looking at between $1,000 nad $10,000 for good names. If you have a bigger budget and can invest more buy some of the higher tier names. These are usually the single word short generic names like Blue or Boat. You can find a lot of good domain names at Auction sites like Afternic dot com and Sedo dot com.

For more information on buying and selling domain names, check out DNjournal dot com. This is the most informative website dealing with the domain name selling industry. It also keeps a weekly update on all the Domain name sales around the world. Almost anything you want to know about buying and selling domain names, can be found there.

Also. I own and manage hundreds of domains/websites that are available for sale. See my main website for a list of quality names at very reasonable prices. Look for my website link at the bottom of this article and check me out.

My name is Howard Bowling and I own/manage hundreds of websites. If you need information or help with getting a good domain name for your business, please visit my website. Thanks, Howard Bowling