Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The gut buster. A Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan

The gut buster. A Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan. All overweight people yearn for some kind of dieting miracle ... something like Cinderella's fairy godmother who will wave her magic wand and produce an instantly slim body. Alas, this isn't going to happen. Instead, seek a healthy weight loss diet plan instead. The multi billion dollar weight loss industry is loaded with all kinds of illusions. Here is the truth about some of the most popular ones.

1. It's not about "will power" and rigid control.

Often in my dieting days, it seemed as though there was a "Good Me" and a "Bad Me" and they were continually at war. The Good Me had to somehow force the Bad Me into behaving in a proper way. When I didn't 'follow the rules', I felt it was only suitable to punish myself.

The result of such an insane plan? The same old cycle again and again ... deciding to exercise and eat in a sensible way and then failing to do so. The only result is mental turmoil and keeping the pounds piled on.

Choose a weight loss plan that is pleasing, that you want to do. Then it will be easy to follow and the weight loss will be permanent.

2. There is no quick and easy way.

We all like to hear the "Lose 10 pounds in a weekend" stories. But they're only cruel delusions. Even if, by some miracle, you did lose 10 pounds in a weekend, it would come right back. These are nothing but scams - and often dangerous scams, at that. If you are 50 pounds overweight, you know that those pounds didn't appear overnight and it will take time for them to disappear. Be patient and face the reality: genuine weight loss is about lifestyle changes, not quick fixes.

3. Set mini-goals.

If your ultimate goal is to lose 50 pounds, that can seem so far away to be hopeless. So set mini-goals -- and rewards -- along the way. That way you will get constant reinforcement as you move forward and you will be encouraged, rather than discouraged. Your motivation will remain high because you have lost 10 pounds and you have a new outfit, rather than focusing on the 40 still to lose.

4. The weight loss program isn't important, as long as it's healthy.

If a weight loss diet plan really and truly was successful for everyone, there would be no need for new ones. But watch the magazines at the checkout stands of your favorite supermarket or discount store. There are weekly magazines that have a new diet program in every single issue! And these new weight loss programs are usually accompanied by pictures of fabulous food.

In truth, there are only two criteria for a weight loss plan:

* Will it promote your health or worsen it? You might believe that losing weight is the only thing that matters to you and you don't care how it happens. However, if you are sick and weak and can't enjoy anything in your life, you will quickly change your mind. Such extreme measures as having part of your intestine removed certainly cannot be defended by anyone as a health measure.

* Can you enjoy the diet plan enough to follow it? If you won't stick to a weight loss plan, nothing else matters. For instance, I am a vegetarian because I don't like to eat meat. Therefore, a program such as Atkins would be torture to me and there's no way I would ever follow it.

Those who write diet books seem to think that if they simply explain the diet plan well enough, their readers will lose weight. But folks who have excess poundage to lose know that the problem isn't the diet ... it's getting themselves to follow through on the plan that is the problem.

5. Don't suffer over your weight!

Overweight people might find it hard to imagine the instruction to "have fun" when it comes to weight loss. Yet, that's the genuine path to success. Eliminating all stress and suffering over your weight makes it significantly easier to persist until you are happy with your weight.

Concentrate on making it fun! For instance,

* Invent some wonderful new recipes that you adore using only the foods you have decided to eat

* Continually focus on the benefits you expect to receive from being slim? Will you have more energy? Look better in your clothes? Feel confident? Improve your social life? Whatever you will gain, concentrate on that, rather than any feeling of deprivation.

* Create rewards for yourself. They don't have to be financial and can be very short term. If you skipped a piece of cake, reward yourself with an hour of gardening. If you've lost three pounds, take a nap instead of cleaning the bathroom. In this way, you receive constant positive feedback and it encourages you to continue.

* Remember that YOU chose to undertake this. No one is forcing you to do anything and there is nothing to rebel against.

A healthy weight loss plan, once that includes great food and sensible exercise, plus a serene and cheerful mind, cannot help but result in the lean body you crave and deserve.

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